7 Cedars Cup
o This is a 7-month competition being played mostly on the first Wednesday of each month, March-September
o This is an all-net competition for the entire field playing. Points are awarded by where you finish net in the field for that day
o The points system is 100 points for 1st net, then 80 points for 2nd net and dropping in 5-point increments until we get to 30 points, after that it drops in 1- point increments until we get to 10 points; everyone after that will get 10 points.
o If you win low gross in your flight and are not the low net in that flight, you will be awarded an extra 5-points
o The final round in September will be worth 1.5 x points that described above.
o The player with the most points at the end of the 7-month long 7 Cedars Cup will be the winner of the 2025 7 Cedars Cup
o We will use 90% of each player’s handicap for this 7-round event. Copper Tees
• The 7 Cedars adds $300 and the Men’s Club add an additional $300 to the prize fund of this event. We pay down to 12th place.
Modified Stableford Scoring W/minus points
o This is a stroke play event using the Stableford scoring system.
o In this event you will be awarded points for a par or better, if you make a bogey or double bogey or worse you’ll lose points.
o The scoring of points for this event are 8 points for a Hole in One or Triple eagle or better, 6 points for a Double Eagle, 3 points for a Birdie and 2 points for a par.
o Then for a bogey it will be a -1 point and a double bogey or worse will be -2 points.
o The player with the most points in each flight will win their flight.
o This is a Gross and Net event
Four Man Modified Shamble (Spring Opener)
o This is a 4-man event
o Par 3’s: All players will play their own ball for the entire hole
o Par 4’s: All players tee off, pick the best drive and all players play from that spot. After the second shots, all players play their own ball the rest of the way until they hole out.
o Par 5’s: All players tee off, pick the best drive. All players play from that spot, then pick the best second shot; all players play from that spot, after the third shots all players play their own ball until they hole out.
o There will be a score for every player on each hole.
o The best two scores on each hole will be used for the team score.
o 80% of each player’s handicap will be used for this event.
o This will be a group event; sign up in the pro shop when registration opens. There will be a blind draw of A, B, C and D players.
President’s Cup/Trophy Match Play
o This will be individual match play events.
o Once we get all those signed up, we’ll put together a first-round matches.
o Each match will work together to schedule their matches that best fit both schedules.
o These are 18-hole matches.
o Each player can choose the tees they wish to play from for each match (this can change from match to match).
o The low handicap for each match will play as a zero, the player will the higher handicap of the two, will get the difference in strokes. Example if player a is a 10 and player b is a 15, player b gets 5 strokes on the 5 most difficult holes, so here at The Cedars at Dungeness, those holes would be 5, 7, 9, 15 and 18.
o The player with the lowest net score on each hole wins that hole. If they tie, then there are no points given.
o Once you are up more points than there are holes left the match is over. So, if player a, goes up 2 up with one hole to play, player a win the match 2 up.
o You will have three weeks to play the first-round matches, then after that you will have two weeks to finish the next rounds, after the first loss, you will go into the Trophy portion.
o You will continue in the Trophy bracket until the next loss, then you will be eliminated.
o The matches and schedule will be sent out when we get a final number of players that have signed up.
Two Man Scramble
o Each player tees off from the tees you choose for your team to play from. (both players must play from the same tees)
o After you both tee off; select the drive you wish to use for your next shot.
o Both players play from that spot.
o Then continue that process until the ball is holed out.
o Be sure to wait for your partner to putt the second putt before tapping in, or that will be your team score.
o There will only be one score per team for this event.
o Each player uses at least 7 drives each (leaves 4 drives open)
o You get one club length from each spot chosen; you cannot improve conditions though. So, if you’re in the rough and a club length gets you to the fairway, you must stay in the rough.
o Handicaps 35% + 15%
“150” Club
o This is a stroke play event.
o In this event you can use only clubs that go 150 yards or less. (So, for some of us this could be our driver, if we only hit it 150 yards, or others, it may be their 7 iron that goes 150 yards),
o You can have any club that goes less than 150 yards in your bag.
o We’ll play the following holes from these tees, with this par.
â–ª #1 Black 340 yards Par 5
â–ª #2 Bronze 246 yards Par 4
â–ª #3 Silver 438 yards Par 6
â–ª #4 Black 162 yards Par 4
â–ª #5 Bronze 271 yards Par 4
â–ª #6 Bronze 382 yards Par 5
â–ª #7 Silver 458 yards Par 6
â–ª #8 Black 159 yards Par 4
â–ª #9 Silver 302 yards Par 4
â–ª #10 Copper 365 yards Par 5
â–ª #11 Bronze 87 yards Par 3
â–ª #12 Bronze 202 yards Par 4
â–ª #13 Black 313 yards Par 5
â–ª #14 Bronze 406 yards Par 6
â–ª #15 Silver 299 yards Par 5
â–ª #16 Copper 357 yards Par 5
â–ª #17 Silver 127 yards Par 3
â–ª #18 Black 392 yards Par 5
o There will be special scorecards made for this event, plus tee markers to guide you to the correct tee for each hole. o Par will be 83 for this course
Die Hard Duo (36-hole, two-day event)
o This is a two-man event; you find your own partner.
o This will be a group event and tee times will be assigned, prior to each round.
o Round one will be a Two-Man Chapman
â–ª Each player tees off, then you go to your partners drive and hit your second shots from where your partners drive ended up.
â–ª Then choose the best shot from there. â–ª The player whose second shot is not being used hits the third shot.
â–ª Then alternate shots from there until the ball is holed out.
â–ª There will only be one score per team.
â–ª 60% + 40% handicaps for this round. o Round two will be a Two-Man Aggregate
â–ª Each player plays their own ball
â–ª Both scores count on each hole.
â–ª The total score for both team members is the team score for this round.
â–ª 100% of each player’s handicap counts for the net portion of this event. o Round One Silver/Copper Tees o Round Two
â–ª Flight one Copper Tees
â–ª Flight two Copper/Silver Tees
o The teams with the lowest two round scores will be the winners.
Senior/Super Senior/Legends Championship
o This is 36-hole stroke play event.
o A group event with assigned tee times.
o We will have three groups for this event this year
â–ª Seniors: 50 to 69 years old
â–ª Super Seniors: 70 to 79 years old
â–ª Legends: 80 years old plus
o The following tees will be played for each group.
â–ª Seniors – Copper Tees
â–ª Super Seniors – Copper/Silver Tees
â–ª Legends – Silver/Bronze
Beat the Pros Two Man Best Ball
o Two Man Best Ball Format
o Choose your own teams
o In this event each team will play against the two CAD pros.
o It will be your net best ball score versus their gross best ball score.
o You will be able to wager prior to the round that your teams best ball score will beat the pros best ball score.
o You can wager up to $50. If you beat the pros, your wager will be doubled onto your books. If you lose or tie the pros, the amount you wager will go onto your books.
o 100% Handicap
Go Long and Go Short
o Two Man Aggregate
o This is a stroke play event.
o Each player will need to play 9 holes from the black tees and 9 holes from the bronze. You can decide as you go, but after 18 holes you both have to have 9 holes played from each tee. Also, you have to play the opposite tees on each hole (both players can't play the same tees on any hole). Both scores count so don't pick up on any hole. If you do, your team will be disqualified.
o Handicaps will be based off the Copper/Silver Tees.
Modified Stableford Scoring
o This is a stroke play event using the Modified Scoring System. (No negative points)
o In this event you will be awarded points for a bogey or better.
o The scoring of points for this event are 8 points for a Hole in One or Triple eagle or better; 6 points for a Double Eagle; 3 points for a Birdie; 2 points for a par and 1 point for bogey.
o The player will the most points in each flight will win their flight.
Match Play vs Mr. Par
o This event will be a match play event.
o You will play individually verse Mr. Par
o Take your score on each hole vs par.
o This will be scored gross and net.
o The players that win by the most or lose by the least will be the winners.
o For example, if you’re an ‘18’ handicap from the tees you choose to play from and you par or better on the hole, you will win that hole. If you bogey that hole, it would be a tie; if you double or worse that that would be a loss of that hole.
Alternate Shot
o This is a two-man event
o One player on each team will tee off on the odd holes and the other player will tee off on the even holes.
o The tees to be used for each player will be determined prior to the start of the event.
o The player that is to tee off on the hole you’re on, will tee off.
o Then the partner will hit the second shot.
o Then continue alternating until the ball is holed out.
o There will be one score per team on each hole in this format.
o 100% Handicaps
McCammon Subpar Event
o This will be a group event
o Your group will be put in based on your weekly tee time you put in for.
o It’s a 9:00 AM shotgun, twilight player will be included in this event with no extra charge.
o You will play with your regular groups, but using the 9:00 AM Shotgun
o Play stroke play
o After the round we will have a draw for partners.
o We’ll revert your worst hole on the front and back nine to par.
Three Sixes
o This will be a two-man team event
o Holes 1-6 Scramble
â–ª Scramble take the best shot from each spot until you hole out for your scramble score.
â–ª One score per team in this format
â–ª 35% + 15% Handicaps o Holes 7-12 Modified Chapman
â–ª Both players tee off, hit from your partner’s drive; then choose the best spot after that. The player’s shot not being used will hit the third shot; continue to alternate after this until the ball is holed out.
â–ª One score per team in this format
â–ª 60% + 40% Handicaps o Holes 13-18 Best Ball
â–ª Both players play their own ball on each of these holes.
â–ª Two scores per team in this format (Unless a player “X” out).
â–ª 90% Handicaps
o This is a two-man event
o Make your own teams
o This is a group event.
o Day One Format
â–ª Front Nine: Shamble (3 Drives min. per player)
â–ª Back Nine: Best Ball o Day Two Format
â–ª Front Nine: Best Ball
â–ª Back Nine: Shamble (3 Drives min. per player) o 85% Handicaps
o Day Two Format
â–ª Front Nine: Best Ball
â–ª Back Nine: Shamble (3 Drives min. per player)
o 85% Handicaps
Two Man Modified Best Ball
o This is a two-man team event, make your own teams and times
o Both players tee off, then you will hit from where ever your partner drive ends up.
o Then continue to play that ball until you hole out.
o Two scores should be recorded on each hole, unless a player “x” out.
o You cannot swap out balls after you start a hole; you must play the ball your partner teed off with.
o The best score between the two players will be the team score used.
o 90% Handicap
Memorial Scramble
o This is a group event to remember all those that have passed away in the previous year and before.
o It will be a four-man scramble.
o Teams will be made up by a computer draw with an A, B, C and D player on each team.
o 3 drives per player minimum.
o 25% + 20% + 15% +10% Handicap