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Men's Club Board Meeting Aug 7th, 2024

Cedars At Dungeness Men’s Club

Subject:  Minutes of Board Meeting August 7, 2024

From:  Jim Jaqubino – Secretary/Historian

To: Cedars At Dungeness Men’s Club


Meeting was called to order by President Bill Berry at 1:47 pm

Present were Bill Berry – President, Justin Ewing – Vice President, Jim Jaqubino _ Secretary/ Historian, Richard Clendening – Competition Chairman, Ron Grant – Handicap Chairman, Harry Phillips – Rules Chairman, Don Flores – Wa Golf Representative

Absent was Daryl Ness – Team Captain and Steve Collatz – Treasurer (Steve sent his report to Board members via email.

Guest: Russ Veenema

Discussion:  There was a discussion about a program called “Join and Renew”.  Also, a program called “Member Planet”.  When it’s time to renew our individual club membership it will be done by each member online or perhaps by mail rather than paying your dues in the Pro Shop as has always been done in the past.  Details will be forthcoming.  Our website has been widely praised as being one of the best member sights out there.  More discussion about “Member Planet” will be had in future meetings.

Vice President Justin Ewing reported that Karl Brehm had a hole in one on hole #11.  Members are reminded that if you get a hole in one to fill out the form in the pro shop.

Treasurer Steve Collatz reported that current membership is at 187 vs 194 in 2023.  Current bank balance is $4029.54.  June and July expenses were C.A.D. $400.00 for the Senior Championship.  Washington Golf:  $897.00 (23 dues @ $39.00/ea.  Peninsula Awards:  $54.45, (name plates for Sr. Championship) and C.A.D.  $300.00 for President Cup/ Trophy.  Anticipated August expenses $400.00 for Men’s Club Championship

Handicap Chairman Ron Grant wants to remind the membership to post their rounds.

Competition Chairman Richard Clendening has proposed regular competition season to go from 1st Wednesday in March to the 2nd Wednesday in October.  The Pro shop will monitor and report the competition results in the offseason.  Most of this time frame encompasses non-posting season.  Members wishing to play during the offseason will have their rounds counted as qualifying for the Club Championship and Major Events as well.  Approved by the Board by vote.  Thank you Richard for the tremendous amount of work involved in running the weekly competitions. 

Team Captain Daryl Ness will be leaving the area and vacating his position.  Thanks, Daryl, for all your hard work, you will be missed.

Visitor Russ Veenema inquired about available Board Positions in the upcoming Annual Meeting.  There will be a posting in the near future.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:44 pm


Happy to report that I was 1 under today.  One under … A tree,

One under … A bush, and one under… The water

1 view


©2025 by Cedars at Dungeness Men's Club

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